If you think about it, where do you live 24/7? It’s not the places you frequent, like your workplace, cafe, or the gym. It’s not even your apartment, condo, or house. No, beyond that, the home you live in 24/7 is your mind.
And while we make such an effort to keep our living space neat and uncluttered, how many of us take the time to work on beautifying our inner world? If you think about it, how much happier would you be if you truly had a positive mindset?
Here are some tips on how you can free your mind from clutter, negativity, and toxicity.
- Don’t dwell on other people’s opinions.
- Let go of grudges.
- Stop comparing yourself to others.
- Move on from the past.
- Live in faith, not in fear.
- Learn something new every day.
- Cultivate an optimistic mindset.
- Don’t feel bad about feeling bad.
1. Don’t dwell on other people’s opinions.
Emotional maturity comes from knowing that no one can make you feel anything without your consent. When you’re grounded in the truth of who you are, you’re freed from the need for validation from others.
To begin with, don’t echo other people’s criticism in your own mind. Don’t waste time repeating their negative comments to yourself over and over. If you think about their disapproval too much, you stand at risk of their harsh words becoming your own inner voice, critiquing and berating you at every turn.
2. Let go of grudges.
Remember the story of the Sahabi who always slept with a clean heart, free from envy and hatred? The Prophet (saw) gave him glad tidings of Paradise, subhan Allah.
Not only does keeping a grudge lower your spirituality, it also impacts your inner peace. The more you hold on to ill feelings and malice in your heart, the more you harm your own mental health.
So free your mind from all resentment. Forgive and forget, for the sake of Allah.
3. Stop comparing yourself to others.
One of the worst ways you damage your self-esteem is by comparing yourself to someone else and finding yourself lacking.
We are all blessed, just in different ways. You are absolutely good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, successful enough. You are perfect exactly as Allah made you, and the only thing you need to focus on is bettering yourself every single day to earn His pleasure.
That’s it.
You have your own path, your own journey. Don’t discredit yourself by comparing yourself to others.
4. Move on from the past.
Whether you experienced better or worse times in the past, they’ve all passed. Let them go and move on. Staying stuck in the past does nothing but ruin the present.
On the other hand, being mindful of the here and now prevents two common complaints – depression due to past events and anxiety over what might happen in the future.

5. Live in faith, not in fear.
Remind yourself that the past doesn’t equal the future. Whatever mishaps, mistakes, and problems have occurred in the past, you’ve gotten through them and emerged stronger for the experience.
There will be better and happier times in the future, insha Allah. You’re capable enough to deal with whatever life throws at you. Be confident in yourself and have positive expectations of the future.
6. Learn something new every day.
Commit yourself to the path of knowledge. Refresh your mind, challenge preconceived notions, and find out more about the world around you.
Read good books that will help you grow. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes, read something that will expand your knowledge. Devote yourself to learning new skills.
7. Cultivate an optimistic mindset.
When you constantly think negatively, you lower your immunity, spirituality, and mental health. This is why it’s so important to learn how to rewire your brain to focus on the silver lining.
What’s more, having positive expectations from Allah (swt) is an essential teaching of our Deen. The outcomes you receive are based on your expectations. Expect good and you’ll find it.
8. Don’t feel bad about feeling bad.
Think about it – how many of our negative feelings are compounded when we start to berate ourselves for having them in the first place?
You feel stressed and then you get angry at yourself for feeling stressed. You feel unproductive and then you hate yourself for it. As the negativity piles up, it gets increasingly difficult to manage it.
But when you begin to treat negative emotions as a natural part of the human experience, you’re able to overcome them with ease. This concept is called “emotional acceptance” and it results in better mental and emotional wellbeing.
I hope you benefited from these tips! Which one resonated with you the most? Leave a comment below to let me know!
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