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Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS

Happy Ever After: 7 Secrets of Couples in Successful Marriages

Marriage is based on mutual trust, love, intimacy, and respect. While every couple has their own unique dynamic and set of traits that they bring to the relationship, there are …

Personal Development

How to Prevent Comparison from Ruining Your Life (+ FREE Affirmations Printable)

Comparison is well and truly the thief of joy.  How many times have you felt good about yourself only to come across a photo, status, or story on social media …


How to Get Your Child to Eat Without Showing Them a Screen

You’ve recently become a mom. The first few months pass by in a whirlwind of sleepless nights, clothes changes, diaper changes, feeding and burping your newborn.  You finally start to …

Personal Development

How to Ace Your Exams – 15 Easy Study Tips Based on Islamic Teachings & Psychological Research

Do you have exams coming up soon? Maybe the entire school year or semester feels like just one deadline after another. I know the feeling. So here are some of …

Personal Development Spirituality

Islamic Positivity: The Forgotten Sunnah of Husn Dhann

Much of our mental distress would be cured if we just brought one Sunnah back into our lives – the lost Sunnah of Husn Dhann. Husn Dhann can be translated …