In the very first days after becoming a mom, I was trying to get my baby to sleep when I suddenly remembered an old Nasheed I used to love as …

Heart-Centered Life Coaching For Muslims
In the very first days after becoming a mom, I was trying to get my baby to sleep when I suddenly remembered an old Nasheed I used to love as …
If you think about it, where do you live 24/7? It’s not the places you frequent, like your workplace, cafe, or the gym. It’s not even your apartment, condo, or …
Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbas (ra) is reported to have mentioned that the following Dua should be written and placed close to the woman who is experiencing hard labor at the …
If you think about it, our lives revolve around decision-making. We start to make decisions the moment we get up from bed in the morning to when we set the …
This post was originally published on Disagreements are a natural part of any close relationship. It is how you deal with those differences that determines the quality of your …
Comparison is well and truly the thief of joy. How many times have you felt good about yourself only to come across a photo, status, or story on social media …
It’s okay if you’re struggling. It’s okay if you’re not spending as much time in Dua and Dhikr as you’d planned to in Ramadan. It’s okay if you’re still spending …