In the very first days after becoming a mom, I was trying to get my baby to sleep when I suddenly remembered an old Nasheed I used to love as …

The Lullaby I Sing to My Daughter

Tips to Beautify Your Real Home – Your Mind
If you think about it, where do you live 24/7? It’s not the places you frequent, like your workplace, cafe, or the gym. It’s not even your apartment, condo, or …

Amazing Dua for Ease in Childbirth & Labor
Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbas (ra) is reported to have mentioned that the following Dua should be written and placed close to the woman who is experiencing hard labor at the …

The Sunnah Method for Making the Right Decision
If you think about it, our lives revolve around decision-making. We start to make decisions the moment we get up from bed in the morning to when we set the …

Improve Your Marriage Through Anger Management & Argument Resolution
This post was originally published on Disagreements are a natural part of any close relationship. It is how you deal with those differences that determines the quality of your …

How to Prevent Comparison from Ruining Your Life (+ FREE Affirmations Printable)
Comparison is well and truly the thief of joy. How many times have you felt good about yourself only to come across a photo, status, or story on social media …

It’s Okay If You’re Struggling (A Letter to Tired Moms in Ramadan)
It’s okay if you’re struggling. It’s okay if you’re not spending as much time in Dua and Dhikr as you’d planned to in Ramadan. It’s okay if you’re still spending …