Do you wonder why some relationships last for decades while some fall apart within the first few years, or even months? What keeps some people committed through the thick and …

From Falling in Love to Bitter Enemies: How Relationships Change & How to Make Yours Last

Happy Ever After: 7 Secrets of Couples in Successful Marriages
Marriage is based on mutual trust, love, intimacy, and respect. While every couple has their own unique dynamic and set of traits that they bring to the relationship, there are …

How to Survive in a Toxic Home & Family Environment
Do you struggle to cope with the daily hurt and pain caused by the words, gestures, and actions of people you live with? How can you take care of your …

8 Important Tips for Dealing With an Emotionally Abusive Person
One of the common themes that emerges when I’m coaching someone is trauma and mental distress at the hands of someone who was emotionally and verbally abusive. Whether that’s a …

Effective Strategies for Coping with a Mentally Ill Parent
Dealing with mental illness in a loved one generally requires a lot of patience, understanding, and empathy. When that mentally ill person in your life is a parent, it can …

Improve Your Marriage Through Anger Management & Argument Resolution
This post was originally published on Disagreements are a natural part of any close relationship. It is how you deal with those differences that determines the quality of your …

Build Strong Relationships by Keeping These 3 Secrets
You know that awful feeling when you find out a friend has broken your trust and revealed something personal about you to someone else? We’ve all experienced the hurt of …