The Prophet ﷺ said, “Islam began as something strange and will go back to being strange, so glad tidings to the strangers.” [Ibn Majah] Subhan Allah! What a beautiful, comforting …

7 Types of People Who Have Received Glad Tidings in Ahadith

15 Ramadan Goals for Those Who Can’t Fast (Tips for Women Who Are Pregnant, Breastfeeding, or Menstruating)
Will you be missing out on fasting all or some of this Ramadan due to an illness, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or your period? Don’t worry – you DON’T have to miss …

30+ Important Lessons from Surah Yusuf to Help You Attain Spiritual Beauty
According to the famous scholar, Imam Ata bin Abi Rabah, “Anyone with a sad heart who reads Surah Yusuf finds comfort in it.“ This Surah was revealed to the Prophet …

10+ Beautiful Quotes That Will Inspire You to Change the World
Ever since I was in elementary school, I’ve saved heart-touching and inspirational quotes in various notebooks and enjoyed sharing them with others. Each and every one of the following quotes …

What to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed
We all have those days – when the chores have piled up, the deadlines are looming, the kids are sick and you’re not feeling well yourself, someone’s harsh words are …

Effective Strategies for Coping with a Mentally Ill Parent
Dealing with mental illness in a loved one generally requires a lot of patience, understanding, and empathy. When that mentally ill person in your life is a parent, it can …

7 Ways to Build Resilience & Overcome Challenges in Life
What is resilience? Resilience is the ability to handle life challenges with strength and grace so you don’t lose yourself in the aftermath of grief and tragedy. It’s the way …