With the ongoing genocide and atrocities happening in Falasteen, Lebanon, and across the Muslim world right now, how can you play YOUR part from the safety and comfort of your …

What You Can Do For Palestine & the Muslim Ummah (With Dua List & Action Steps)

Navigating Life’s Seasons: 15 Powerful Duas for Muslim Women (+ FREE Printable)
There are different seasons of life. Some are heavier than others, some are lighter. Some come as teachers, some as healers. Some seasons are for yourself and some you live …

5 Beautiful Lessons in Emotional Intelligence from the Story of Umm Salamah
I was recently studying the story of Umm Salamah (ra) for my class with young kids, and while I always remember the Dua she made when her husband passed away …

7 Types of People Who Have Received Glad Tidings in Ahadith
The Prophet ﷺ said, “Islam began as something strange and will go back to being strange, so glad tidings to the strangers.” [Ibn Majah] Subhan Allah! What a beautiful, comforting …

30+ Important Lessons from Surah Yusuf to Help You Attain Spiritual Beauty
According to the famous scholar, Imam Ata bin Abi Rabah, “Anyone with a sad heart who reads Surah Yusuf finds comfort in it.“ This Surah was revealed to the Prophet …

Amazing Dua for Ease in Childbirth & Labor
Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbas (ra) is reported to have mentioned that the following Dua should be written and placed close to the woman who is experiencing hard labor at the …

It’s Okay If You’re Struggling (A Letter to Tired Moms in Ramadan)
It’s okay if you’re struggling. It’s okay if you’re not spending as much time in Dua and Dhikr as you’d planned to in Ramadan. It’s okay if you’re still spending …